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Walking City


The Ideal City. What would be the ideal city? Is it possible to create the ideal city?

In order to create the ideal city must a new city be built?

Looking at history, countless plans and writings about the ideal city can be found. Focus and size, expanse and assertiveness vary, but reoccurring themes and characteristics are visible. 

Why are there so many plans, writings and theories and so little developments? 

Do these plans want to be carried out, or are they only meant to be distant utopias? 

The milionprogrammet as an area gives proof of experimentations. Most experiments have failed, but why do most experiments fail? What are successful examples if there are any?

But most important, what do I see when I walk through my ideal city? 

We started at the end of the line. 

What do we find, if we take one of Stockholms Tunnelbana lines all the way to the end of the line?

What kind of areas are at the outskirt of the city? Who lives there? 

We started at the end of the line. Got out of the station not at all knowing what to expect. We got out of the station and we just walked. 

We started at the end of the line. Got out of the station not at all knowing what to expect. We got out of the station and we just walked. 

We went back a second time. Walked the area again. Took the same route, rediscovered what we had discovered the first time. 

We went back a third time. 

What do we want to find? Do we want to find something? Are we searching for something?

We started at the end of the line. Got out of the station, but this time knowing what to expect. We walked a different route and ended up in a different place.

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